Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Create games for learning!

For a generation growing up digital, textbooks and worksheets just do not make the grade. Why not create your own games for use in your classroom using your computer?

What are the benefits of creating your own games?

  • They are simple to create
  • You can choose the questions/content and make it relevant to what you are teaching
  • You are not dependent on predetermined content (What if you have not covered the same material as one of those pre-made games assumes you did?)
  • Use as a test review, an assessment piece or a spare time killer
  • Why not have your students create one for an assignment? or to share with peers?
  • Digital natives love games!
Make-your-own Jeopardy game
  • Encourages interaction and communication
  • Manual scorekeeping

Create your own puzzles

Crosswords, wordsearch, mazes, math squares and many other puzzles!

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